Welcome to the Protesting with Rosa Parks Blog
Welcome to the Protesting with Rosa Parks blog. In this, my first post, I am excited to announce the forthcoming publication of Protesting with Rosa Parks: From Stagecoaches to Driving While Black by the University of Georgia Press on August 1, 2025. This book helps to fill in the long history of protest against segregation in all forms of travel from 1832 to 2023.
In order to keep us aware of our debt to those Black passengers and their allies who put themselves in danger so that everyone may ride as equals, in this blog I will periodically post reminders of what happened to one or more of them on various dates throughout the year. I hope you will take these posts as an opportunity to let others know, too, about these oft forgotten anniversaries. (Should you choose not to receive further notices or blog postings, please let me know.)
Let us begin Black History Month 2025 remembering Shadrach Howard.
I close in echo of David Ruggles:
Yours for Equal Rights,
PS: To get to the website home page, click on “Protesting with Rosa Parks” at the top left corner of any page.